• Citizen engagement
    Vous êtes ici : www.emploiservice.cm > Citizen engagement

    Cultural diversity within the personnel of Emploi Service , is without doubt an image found in the different community projects that we support daily. Good healths at work, Education, the fight against pandemics, social developments just to name a few, are areas we embark our actions.


    The budget for all these works has been on permanent increase within the years and our engagement for the wellbeing of mankind continue to be perceptible in each part of Cameroon where we our present.


    As we receive from our partners and clients, we share with those who are highly in need. “Man in the center of our profession…” Summarized in one title, reason to be Emploi Service.

    All the articles

    • Dear Clients, Partners, Collaborators,

      Wisdom from our fathers teaches us that we do not grow from one year to the next, but we renew ourselves every day. In the perspective of 2020, this thinking caries all its meaning when we consider the realities that have shaped and managed the paths of our businesses.

    • Nous voilà tous rassemblés une fois de plus pour la traditionnelle remise de cartable  aux enfants de la maternelle.

      L’année dernière nous fêtions dix ans.

      Une occasion particulière au cours de laquelle nous avons évalué et mesuré l’ampleur de la tache, mais surtout mis un accent sur les merveilleuses choses accomplies durant toute cette période.

  • Discover Emploi Service S.A.
    Emploi Service S.A leader of sub-regional market for employment and fight against HIV/AIDS
    • 250 offers available on line

    • ex: Head of Commercial department, java, multimedia
    • CDI CDD interim