• Solids guarantees
    You are there : www.emploiservice.cm > Solids guarantees

    Emploi Service taken in a large presentation has responded to the modern evolution of business in various countries. Its strong and efficient vision and policies has contributed to run a reliable company market orientaed and diligent for the welfare of its partners.

    We benefit from the confidence of our financial partners, which explains the solvability of our treasury, and the capacity to pre-finance our business order in order to respect our engagements.

    Numerous infrastructural and logistic investments (agencies furnished with modern technology equipments).

    A skilled, dynamic and experienced team.

    Our presence in the web through the internet, for more proximity with our public.

    We dispose an insurance policy for civil responsibility/Manager of enterprise that covers all our agents and workers across our networks.

    Availability of more than 90 000 CVs of all qualifications and socio-professional categories.



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    • CDI CDD interim